Monday 2 January 2012



We have moved home!!

We are now to a new home at The Velvet Curtain!

Thank you! xxx

Afternoon Listening

After spending the festive year being bombarded with Buble and what not I was quite relieved to find myself watching a fabulous NYE show headed by the master of the music Jools Holland. His annual Hootananny is rather good with a few favourites from his show standing out for me so I thought I would share them with you:

 I adored this band and their laid back approach to good time music. The harmonica player was the star of the show for me. Their music is something I am off to buy ASAP and I am totally in love with the fact I can buy their music on vinyl! Visit their site here: POKEY LAFARGE

This woman damn well nearly stole the show for me. Her energy was amazing! She even gave an impromptu impression of Tina Turner. For me she showed Jessie J (another performer on the show) how its done. I loved her performance. HATS OFF TO YOU LOVELY! Her collection is available on Amazon and itunes.

Anyone who knows me is aware of my soft spot for the lovely Caro Emerald. She is beautiful but fair more importantly she is talented. Here she is performing Bad Romance originally performed by another creative lovely (Lady Gaga). Whilst not the mesmerizing performance she gave on the show, I love her take on this well known song. Well done beautiful. Her music is available on itunes but check out her website for all the loveliness it offers. CARO EMERALD WEBSITE

I know this is only three musical recommendations but just have listen to their vocal offerings...I adore them and their work. ENJOY